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정 규 리  Kyuri Jeong

Urban Planner & Curator


  • Urban regeneration and gentrification 
  • Neighbourhood renewal and sustainable communities
  • Urban landscape, urban park and open space
  • Spatial analysis using ArcGIS, data crawling and analysis using Python programming

대학에서 지리학과 조경학을 공부하였고 도시공간 연구 중 도시의 오픈스페이스와 보건, 삶의 질, 커뮤니티와 관련하여 관심을 두고 있다. 신도시에서 나고 자랐으며, 대학에 진학하면서 서울에서 살게되었다. 서울에서 처음 살았던 곳은 인도가 좁고, 보행자와 차량이 혼재되었으며 산책이나 운동할만한 오픈스페이스가 풍부하지 않았다. 과거에 살던 환경에 비해 다소 낡고 어수선하였다. 자연스럽게 도시계획의 중요성에 대하여 깨닫게 되었고 도시연구를 수행하고 있다. 그리고 현재, 서울대학교 환경대학원에서 도시 및 지역계획학을 공부하고 있다. 

Kyuri Jeong has interested in urban research with particular themes of urban open space, health, quality of life and the community. she grew up in a new town of Daejeon where is known as a well-planned city and moved to Seoul for undergraduate studies of geography and landscape architecture in Kyunghee University(2012-2017). In comparison to where she was raised, the first place she lived in Seoul was old, messy and disorder; narrow side walk, a tangle of pedestrians and cars, no open space for workout. Naturally, she has realized importance of urban planning and has had a big passion of urban research. 

She worked as an intern in The Korean Transport Institute(KOTI) at 2016 and performed as a research assistant about analyzing data of national transportation in the department of national transport big data. From school years to undergraduate she worked at Ministry of Environment as a citizen reporter(2010-2014). From 2018, Kyuri Jeong is studying urban planning in Graduate School of Environmental Studies at Seoul National University.

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